Quick start guide for culling photos directly from SD Card and Exporting to Photo Library Folder. For detailed guides on each feature, please check user guide.
Step 1 - Import Photos from SD Card
Drag SD Card folder(s) containing a photoshoot onto CullAi's window.
Step 2 - Browse Previews while CullAi Analyzes Photos
While CullAi is analyzing photos, you can browse previews and mark photos as rejected manually or let it run in background.
Step 3 - Check Auto Ratings, Groupings and Auto Picked photos
When CullAi is done analyzing, it will Auto Rate photos with 1-5 star ratings, Auto Group similar photos, Auto Pick configured number of photos and detect Important People in the photoshoot.
You can also modify the ratings and flags as per your assessment.
Step 4 - Filter out Photos
Use filters to filter out photos based on ratings / flag.
Step 5 - Export Final Photos to Library Folder
Export filtered photos to your local / network Library Folder. Before exporting CullAi will save Ratings and Color Labels metadata to internal / sidecar metadata of imported photos. It will also copy same to export folder along with exported photos.