This update adds Keyboard shortcuts, Standard share button and more features / bug fixes.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are added for faster navigation when viewing photo groups and photos inside a group. Please refer to user guide for latest Keyboard Shortcuts.

Apple Share Button

You can now share your final photos directly to Apple Share compatible apps/services. Some share targets include Apple Photos, Mail, Messages and AirDrop. Please refer to user guide for Sharing using Apple Share destinations functionality.

UI Help Elements

You can now get contextual help by clicking inline help buttons(?) next to UI elements. They open a popup describing functionality with app videos in most cases.

User Exportable Logs

You can now export logs and attach with feedback/support email. Please refer to user guide for Attaching Logs In Support Request email.

New toolbar

Toolbar now has icon buttons instead of textual ones. We have also added buttons for Apple Share, Feedback/Support and Keyboard Shortcuts in toolbar.