This update improves speed and interoperability with Drag-n-Drop support

Performance Improvements

Photo previews are loaded faster now, providing faster browsing through photos. Thumbnails and Photo previews which could be viewed next are preloaded in cache, providing instant loading.


Now you will be able to Drag in and Drag out photos to and from other apps like Finder, Lightroom, Lightroom Classic, Apple Photos, and any other app supporting standard macOS drag-n-drop features. Please check user guide for more details on Importing Photos and Drag-n-Drop to other Apps.

AI Analysis Improvements

Default resolution for AI analysis is increased for better face resolutions. This improves accuracy of quality analysis and important people detection and clustering.

Selective Export

You can now select specific photo groups on home view to export only few photos. Please refer to user guide for Selective Export.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Added new keyboard shortcuts for navigation in home view and navigating in and out of group view. Please refer to user guide for latest Keyboard Shortcuts.